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a few Birds of Reifel Sanctuary in Spring
Bird Feeding Frenzy at Reifel Bird Sanctuary! Day Trip to Westham Island and Ladner, BC
Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Sandhill Cranes - George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Where to feed ducks and birds in Vancouver? Reifel Bird Sanctuary|今天加拿大封城|小孩放春假了選個戶外人少的地方給孩子放放電
Feed hundreds chickadees in hand at George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Delta, Canada
George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary #birdlovers #birds #blackbirds #redwingedblackbirds
George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary. March 3, 2021
Reifel Bird Sanctuary March 29, 2013
Nature Vignettes Episode 1:Sandhill cranes at nest in the Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Waterfowl in springtime at George C. Reifel Bird Observatory
Migratory Birds